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24.02.2021 Brexit Webinar Effects of the free trade agreement on the MedTech sector

24.02.2021 09:45 - 12:00 Uhr
organizer: BVMed-Akademie
Schwerpunkt: Kommunikation

Zum Thema

After intensive negotiations of almost one year, finally an agreement has been reached on the future relationship be-tween Europe and the UK.

Among other things, the agreement on future relations with the UK creates a broad economic partnership, which is based on a free trade agreement without tariffs and quotas and thus averts any major trade barriers.

However, there will be regulatory / legal changes – also for the medtech industry, whose export quota is around 65 per-cent (almost 5 percent goes to the exporting country Great

What does the successful conclusion of the negotiations now mean for the medtech industry? To support the industry, the Brexit webinar will provide information on the final agree-ment and what has been changed from 1 January 2021.

Among others the following questions will be addressed:

  • Under what rules and until when is the new UKCA mark-ing needed to be applied?
  • What is (legally) new with regard to UK notified bodies?
  • What are the tasks and responsibilities of the UK responsible person?
  • What does the transition period for registering medical devices under the MHRA look like?
  • What (legal) changes can be expected with regard to the registration of medical devices in the UK?

The seminar is held in English!


The training course is aimed for all interested MedTech com-panies. The aim is to inform the industry about the final agreement between EU and UK and what has been changed from 1 January 2021.


  • Phil Brown
    Director, Regulatory & Compliance
    Association of British HealthTech Industries | London
  • Jesús Rueda Rodríguez
    Director International Affairs
    MedTech Europe | Brussels


  • Clara Mailin Allonge
    Head of Department of SMEs and Economic Policy
    Federal Association of Medical Technology (BVMed) | Berlin


Detaillierte Veranstaltung

09:45 -

registration opening | technical check

10:00 -

Clara Mailin Allonge


10:10 - From an UK perspective

Phil Brown

  • The agreement on future economic relations
  • Registration under MHRA
  • UK Responsible Person

10:40 - From an EU perspective

Jesús Rueda Rodríguez

  • Trade and customs
  • CE mark vs. UKCA
  • Parallel legislation (REACH, CLP, etc.)

11:10 - Q&A session and discussion

12:00 -

End of the webinar



Participation is only possible after prior registration, for which you will receive a registration confirmation by e-mail.

The valid access data will be sent by e-mail to the confirmed participants by 19 February 2021 at the latest.


Mit Ihrer Anmeldung erklären Sie sich mit der Verwertung (Print, Digital, Online) der im Rahmen der Veranstaltung gefertigten Fotoaufnahmen einverstanden.


In case of non-participation, please cancel your registration by 17 February 2021 at the latest.

BVMed-Akademie reserves the right to change speakers and/or to postpone or change the program sequence. If an event has to be canceled for reasons for which the BVMed Academy is responsible, only participation fees that have already been paid will be reimbursed. Further claims are excluded.

Auf einen Blick


Mittwoch, 24.02.2021 09:45 - 12:00 Uhr


Download des Programmflyers (281 KB)


  • 269,00 € (pro Person, zzgl. Mehrwertsteuer)

    The webinar documents are included.

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